Results for "Woodcraft Folk"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20070417 17/04/2007 Labour in for a rough ride at the polls, says Co-op hopeful Helen Susan Press 14 Woodcraft Folk, Scottish Parliament elections 2007, Helen Eadie MSP, Dunfermline East, Trident nuclear weapons system, The Co-op Group of MSPs (Holyrood)
20070710 10/07/2007 CONGRESS 2007: Folk's climate change concerns Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray, Siân Barton 10 Sea Change, climate change, Co-operative Congress (2007), Richard Lace, Woodcraft Folk
20070724 24/07/2007 CONGRESS 2007: Movement has to inspire youth for a stronger future Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray, Siân Barton 8 Woodcraft Folk, national curriculum, Kevin McGrother, Co-operative Congress (2007), Mags Bradbury, Kirsty Palmer
20071002 02/10/2007 Folk's invitation Dave Bowman & Siân Barton 15 Co-op Party Conference (2007), Woodcraft Folk, Kathryn Smith