Results for "Anglia Regional Co-operative Society"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4067 01/07/1997 Confidently facing the future Monica Cafferky Co-op News reporter) 4 National Co-operative Chemists, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, CWS, Roy Carrington, CRS, Resale Price Maintainance (RPM)
4284 29/09/2001 NEWS POSTBAG: We need to see consistency Colin Richell 7 The Co-operative Group, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, CRS
20010929 29/09/2001 NEWS POSTBAG: We need to see consistency Colin Richell 7 Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, CRS, The Co-operative Group
20031129 29/11/2003 Anglia to close Watford store Co-op News 3 Westgate Department Store Watford, Neil Double, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society
20031227 27/12/2003 Anglia acquires Budgens supermarket Co-op News 3 Anglia Funeral Services, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, John Chilcott, Hunstanton
20040424 24/04/2004 Anglia’s latest Rainbow store Co-op News 4 Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, Biggleswade
20040904 04/09/2004 Award for Anglia Co-op News 4 Disability Symbol, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, Jobcentre Plus
20041106 06/11/2004 POSTBAG: Room for diversity Ivan Ivanovic 10 Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, Rainbow stores, Colin Richell
20041204 04/12/2004 The predicted asset stripping has begun Neville Cox 10 Yorkshire Co-op, United Norwest, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, Pauline Green
20041218 18/12/2004 POSTBAG: Applause for Anglia Colin Richell 14 United Co-operatives, Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, department stores