Results for "Alun Michael MP"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4052 18/03/1997 Labour unveils 'speedy' route to justice Co-op News 12 Alun Michael MP, community crime and nuisance
4065 17/06/1997 POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Maiden speeches and mighty issues Peter Clarke 2 George Foulkes MP, Alun Michael MP, Bernie Grant MP, Ken Purchase MP, Andy Love MP, David Taylor MP, Co-op Party, parliamentary group
4067 01/07/1997 Green speaks at Welsh conference Co-op News 12 Jon Owen Jones, Wales, Alun Michael MP, conference, Pauline Green MEP
4333 24/08/2002 Food and farming discussed in South Wales Co-op News 2 Alun Michael MP, Christine Tacon, Keith Darwin
20000718 18/07/2000 Co-operation is crucial for the Welsh Assembly Lorraine Barrett 10 Peter Hunt, National Assembly for Wales, Alun Michael MP, Wales Co-operative Centre, Huw Lewis, Labour Party, Simon Jones, Karen Wilkie
20000718 18/07/2000 Welsh Co-operators celebrate international day Co-op News 15 Swansea City Marina, Alun Michael MP, Alban Rees, International Co-operators Day, Bury Port Co-operative Youth Band
20020824 24/08/2002 Food and farming discussed in South Wales Co-op News 2 Keith Darwin, Alun Michael MP, Christine Tacon
20030927 27/09/2003 Co-op Party Conference – Newcastle: Foundation Hospitals get Party’s backing Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 5 Peter Hunt, Keir Stitt, Scottish Co-operative Development Agency, Alun Michael MP, foundation hospitals, Barbara Moores, NHS, Labour Government, Christine May MSP
20031108 08/11/2003 SECURING THE FUTURE CONFERENCE, CARDIFF: Taking the long term approach Anthony Murray 5 Wales Co-operative Centre, Alun Michael MP, Simon Jones, Co-operatives UK, Chris Herries
20031115 15/11/2003 Rural social enterprise initiative Co-op News 3 Plunkett Foundation, Professor Tim Lang, National Rural Social Enterprise Conference, John Pearce, Alun Michael MP, Barbara Philips