Results for "Andy Piercy"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20000822 22/08/2000 Woodcraft Folk take part in Austrian camp Co-op News 15 Andy Piercy, International Falcon Movement, racism, Fascism
20030913 13/09/2003 Woodcraft Folk brave Arctic temperatures Co-op News 12 Spa shops, “In the footsteps of Erik the Red”, Brugsen (co-op), Andy Piercy, Passifik, Greenland
20050305 05/03/2005 Woodcraft Folk stunned by big funding cut-back Colin Richell 1 Department for Education and Skills (DfES), National Voluntary Youth Organisations Grant Scheme, Woodcraft Folk - funding, Andy Piercy, Jess Cawley
20050823 23/08/2005 Woodcraft's youth injection Co-op News 6 Andy Piercy, Richard Lace, Woodcraft Folk, Chris Pyke
20070109 09/01/2007 A fresh outlook for the Woodcraft Folk Susan Press 19 Woodcraft Folk, Andy Piercy, Kirsty Palmer