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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20031122 22/11/2003 Co-op Bank appoints new director Co-op News 2 Keith Alderson, Corporate and Business Banking
20031122 22/11/2003 Burlton named as next Group chair Co-op News 2 Co-operatives UK, The Co-operative Group, Bob Burlton, Keith Darwin, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Society
20031122 22/11/2003 In-store technology meets Co-op values and principles at £1.2m Oxford Co-op Co-op News 3 Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Society, Headington – Oxford, Adrian Barradell
20031122 22/11/2003 Social Enterprise gathering - Conference eyes co-op healthcare Co-op News 4 Martin Street, Pauline Green, Margaret Elliott, Cllr Paula Shaw, Co-operative Care Solutions, Steve Ridler, Croydon
20031122 22/11/2003 Minister praises CIS transparancy Co-op News 4 Patricia Hewitt MP, Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS)
20031122 22/11/2003 Social Enterprise Greater Manchester 2003 “A great opportunity to learn from one another” Anthony Murray 6 Jonathan Bland, Anthony H. Wilson, Drew Thomas, Hazel Blears MP, Social Enterprise conference
20031122 22/11/2003 Opening the eyes of civil servants Anthony Murray 6 Hazel Blears MP, sustainable environment, Jonathan Bland, NHS, creating jobs
20031122 22/11/2003 Sector needs a regional network Anthony Murray 6 Drew Thomas, Jonathan Bland, regional assembly, Social Enterprise Coalition
20031122 22/11/2003 Government pledges commitment to the sector Anthony Murray 6 Hazel Blears MP, ‘Public Procurement: A Toolkit for Social Enterprises’, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
20031122 22/11/2003 Trust the key to future success ‘Our vision for CFS is foundered on a shared co-operative heritage’ Mervyn Pedelty 7 Co-operative Financial Services (CFS), Institute of Business Ethics, financial scandals, Taylor Nelson Sofres
20031122 22/11/2003 OUR VIEW: Co-op can be proud of Fairtrade stance Co-op News 7 The Fairtrade Mark, Co-op brand coffee, The Co-operative Group
20031122 22/11/2003 THE WAY WE WERE: 100 years ago: 50 years ago: 25 years ago Co-op News 7 The London Boot Show, Ministry of Overseas Development, Registered Pharmacists Union, USDAW, The Co-operative Liaison Education and Research Unit (CLEAR)
20031122 22/11/2003 MIDLANDS CO-OP NEWS: Midlands Co-op re-introduces a true Dividend across the whole society! Midlands Co-operative Society 8 Wilf Lee, Co-operative Commission (2001), Willie Tucker
20031122 22/11/2003 POSTBAG: Small island community well served by Co-op Iain McCallum 10 Port Ellen, Island of Islay, John Wade, South Argyll Area Committee
20031122 22/11/2003 POSTBAG: Shared ownership a real alternative David Simmonds 10 Keystart Housing Association, Co-op Bank, house prices
20031122 22/11/2003 POSTBAG: banking risks Brian Townsend 10 Stock Exchange fluctuations, Co-op Bank, John Hamer
20031122 22/11/2003 POSTBAG: Broken freezers hitting turnover Helen Thompson 10 co-op store, Sharnbrook – Bedfordshire, freezers, community college
20031122 22/11/2003 POSTBAG: Pensions stance deserves praise Chris Sewell 10 Peter Marks, pension provision, United Co-operatives, Labour Party Conference
20031122 22/11/2003 Pack-it Promotions sets the pace for social enterprises Kevin McGrother 12 Enterprising Solutions Award, John Bennett, Cardiff County Council, Industrial Common Ownership Finance Ltd (ICOF), learning disabilities
20031122 22/11/2003 Alison tries out Eriksson’s England post Co-op News 12 Alison Dunn, The Co-operative Group, England football manager
20031122 22/11/2003 Total Coverage’s total commitment Susan Press 13 Total Coverage graphic design business, Angela Chicken, Co-operatives UK, Guy Phillips
20031122 22/11/2003 SHOP TALK: Tesco into Turkey: Sainsbury’s spat: Shareholders fury: In-store banking The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, The Scotsman 13 Sir Terry Leahy, Debenhams, Sir Peter Davis, IBM Business Consulting Services, Jeff Banks
20031122 22/11/2003 THE WORLD OF CO-OPERATION: Anthony Murray 15 food co-op
20031129 29/11/2003 Ben’s on top of the world Co-op News 1 Machu Picchu, Ben Reid, Andes trek, West Midlands Co-op, Whizz-Kidz
20031129 29/11/2003 Co-op MPs back hospital trusts Co-op News 1 foundation hospitals legislation, Health and Social Care Bill