20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Burlton handed key Group role
Co-op News |
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Bob Burlton, Constitutional Review (Co-op Group), John Monks, Peter Marks, quinquennial review 2005 |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Group sets off on a wind of change
Co-op News |
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wind farms, Martin Beaumont, The Co-operative Group (energy strategy) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Store given £2m makeover
Co-op News |
2 |
Scottish co-op (Stornoway), Stornoway supermarket |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Beaumont unveils Group's ambitions energy strategy
Co-op News |
2 |
CIS Tower - solar project, Coldham windfarm (Cambridgeshire), Martin Beaumont, photovoltaic pannels on CIS Tower, The Co-operative Group (energy strategy), green energy, Scottish Power |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Touhig chosen for Privy Council
Co-op News |
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Don Touhig MP, Privy Council |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Anti-cruelty stance earns Group award
Co-op News |
3 |
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), The Co-op Group (BUAV marque), Brad Hill |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Triodos welcomes idea to invest unclaimed interest
Co-op News |
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Commission on Unclaimed Assets, Triodos Bank |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Midcounties hire 'green' manager
Co-op News |
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Vic Pratt, Midcounties Co-operative (energy and environment) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Plenty to smile about
Co-op News |
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Co-operative Financial Services (CFS), smile internet banking (received award) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Cutting it fine!
Co-op News |
4 |
Lothian Borders and Angus Society, Newtown Street - Duns |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
CFS scoop top award
Co-op News |
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Co-operative Financial Services (CFS), Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, Ecotricity, Energy Environmental Impact Award |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Give power to comminities to control its energy, says MP
Co-op News |
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renewable energy, Alun Michael MP, Energy4All, Elliot Morley MP |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Bike co-op opens new store in Leeds
Co-op News |
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Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative, Leeds |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Ethical retailing at heart of membership
Simon Plunkett - page sponsored by The Co-operative Group |
5 |
Stirling Smith, Dianne Redfern, Envirowise, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), ethical sourcing, Department for the Environment Food and Rural affairs (DEFRA), World Environment Day, RSPCA, Co-op College, The Co-operative Group (Northern Region Values & Principles), The Carbon Trust |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Group buy five pharmacies
Co-op News |
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Tower Pharmacy (Bristol), The Co-operative Group (pharmacy) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Co-op MP backs salt campaign
Co-op News |
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Food Standards Agency (FSA), salt levels in food, David Lepper MP |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Wholesome food conference
Co-op News |
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Wholesome Food Association |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Scottish Co-op side in finals
Co-op News |
6 |
Scottish co-op (five a side football team) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Safe and sound at United
Co-op News |
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Sunwin Cash Processing Services |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
CIS eco insurance a big hit
Co-op News |
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eco-friendly insurance products, Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Credit unions reach financially excluded
Co-op News |
7 |
credit union survey of members, Association of British Credit Unions (ABCUL) |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Promotion for two managers
Co-op News |
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Mark Rumsey, Heart of England Co-op, Tony Pankhania |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Brown is turning off Labour voters, says McDonnell
Co-op News |
8 |
Durham Miners Gala (2006), Gordon Brown, John McDonnell MP, North East Co-op banner |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Jamie pukkas Lincolnshire Co-op
Co-op News |
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Lincolnshire Co-operative Society, Jamie Oliver |
20060725 |
25/07/2006 |
Tonic for co-owned businesses
Co-op News |
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employee owned businesses |