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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20060221 21/02/2006 New look Co-op Pharmacy opens Co-op News 9 Rachel Websdale, Co-operative Group Pharmacy, Co-op Pharmacy (Plymouth)
20060221 21/02/2006 Changes in law to benefit co-ops Co-op News 9 Mark Todd MP, Matt Ball, Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Act, Co-op Party, Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act (1968)
20060221 21/02/2006 Busy agenda at Guild Congress Co-op News 10 Co-operative Women's Guild Congress (2006), Agenda CWG (2006)
20060221 21/02/2006 Travel store opens Co-op News 10 Travelcare (Keynsham), Cllr. Phyllis Gay
20060221 21/02/2006 Making a difference Co-op News 10 Midlands Co-op, Making a Difference Community Dividend, Cyrrhian Macrae
20060221 21/02/2006 Can franchising make a difference to social enterprise? Paul Gosling 14 franchising, Liam Black, Adele Blakeborough, Gerry Higgins, Adrian Clarke, Social Enterprise Coalition, Jamie Oliver, new starts, Social Firms UK
20060221 21/02/2006 Net winners boost Co-op's web profile Dave Bowman 15 websites (Co-op - Labour MPs), Alun Michael MP
20060221 21/02/2006 New supermarket guide can spark a shopping revolution Dave Bowman 16 Martin Isark , Supermarket Own Brand Guide
20060221 21/02/2006 Brighton co-op turns books into trees Kevin McGrother 17 oak woodland restoration , second hand book stall, Mark Harrison, Green Dragon Woods co-operative , Magpie Re-cycling Co-operative, waste incinerator (East Sussex)
20060221 21/02/2006 Do something on the web today Co-op News 17 young people, Co-op Group (website 'dosomething')
20060221 21/02/2006 GLL chief Mark chases his London Olympics' dream Susan Press 18 Mark Sesnan, Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL), London Olympics
20060221 21/02/2006 MEMORY LANE: 50 years ago: 25 years ago: 10 years ago Co-op News 19 BBC bias against Co-op Movement, Sir Jack Bailey, Scott Report (arms for Iraq inquiry)
20060221 21/02/2006 NEWS VIEWS: We only have ourselves to blame over survey resultsme David Lazell 22 consumer surveys, Consumers Association, Caspar Brook , Which? magazine
20060221 21/02/2006 NEWS VIEWS: Expose the real villans Robert Dawson 22 consumer surveys, Which? magazine
20060221 21/02/2006 NEWS VIEWS: Staff our biggest asset Christopher McCaughan 22 Which? magazine, consumer surveys, co-operative retailing
20060221 21/02/2006 NEWS VIEWS: Pioneers would invest in energy Barbara Rogers 23 co-op investment in renewable energy, renewable energy
20060221 21/02/2006 Sensitive issues will impact local elections Jim Dobbin 23 Greater Manchester Passenger Authority, Labour Government, free public transport , Gordon Brown, Primary Care Trusts, NHS
20060221 21/02/2006 NEWS VIEWS: 99 tea's medical link? James Walker 23 Victor Barton, Prescription Tips (tea), Co-op 99 Tea
20060221 21/02/2006 NEWS VIEWS: Societies should have supported Somerfield bid Colin Richell 23 Somerfield, United Co-operatives
20060307 07/03/2006 Report raps M&F Society Co-op News 1 Financial Services Authority (FSA), Barbara Archibald, member apathy, Musselburgh & Fisherrow Co-op (demutualisation), George Cunningham, Industrial & Provident Societies Act, Tom Lees, Patricia Jamieson
20060307 07/03/2006 Richard in frame for Fairtrade Co-op News 1 Richard Wilson, Fairtrade
20060307 07/03/2006 Co-operative commitment Co-op News 2 Community at the Core Fund
20060307 07/03/2006 Highest ever staff response to survey Co-op News 2 Adrian Britten, Co-operative Group employees, Talkback (2005), Co-operative Group staff survey
20060307 07/03/2006 Group buys out Edinburgh firm Co-op News 2 Co-operative Group Pharmacy (Edinburgh), Horsburgh Chemists
20060307 07/03/2006 Heating problem spells end for Musselburgh store Co-op News 3 Musselburgh & Fisherrow Co-op (demutualisation), Musselburgh (closure of store), Tom Lees, George Cunningham