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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20050507 07/05/2005 THE WORLD OF CO-OPERATION Martyn Platts 11 Arla Foods, PNG Coffee Growers Federation (Papua New Guinea), co-op housing - India, Seattle, Campina, PEI Pototo Board (Canada)
20050507 07/05/2005 Photography co-op snaps into action Kevin McGrother 12 Zoom (photography co-op), learning disabilities, David Florence, Avon Co-operative Development Agency, Keith Bates
20050507 07/05/2005 SHOP TALK: M&S on defensive; Asda for Somerfield?: Tesco jumps the lights: Jamie's renaissance: Woolworths' search Daily Mail: The Guardian: The Scotsman: The Daily Telegraph: The Sunday Express 12 Stuart Rose, traffic-light food labels, Jamie Oliver, Giles Willett, Tony DeNunzio
20050507 07/05/2005 Labour heavyweight pitches in to help Halifax Campaign Susan Press 13 Co-op Party, Alice Mahon, Labour Party, Tony Benn, Halifax Constituency, Linda Riordan MP
20050517 17/05/2005 Welcome to your new look Co-operative News Co-op News 1 Co-operative News becomes fortnightly, Co-op News website, Dave Bowman
20050517 17/05/2005 Two into one may go Co-op News 1 Chris Blanchett, Colchester and East Sussex Co-op, Richard Samson, merger, Ipswich and Norwich Co-op
20050517 17/05/2005 Landmark day for CIS Co-op News 1 CIS Tower - solar project, photovoltaic pannels on CIS Tower
20050517 17/05/2005 United weigh up Somerfield offer Co-op News 2 Peter Marks, Rothschild, United Co-operatives, Somerfield
20050517 17/05/2005 Blow for Group as McGettigan quits Co-op News 3 Eoin McGettigan, The Co-operative Group (Food Retail), Martin Beaumont, Guy McCracken
20050517 17/05/2005 United effort raises £85,000 for charity Co-op News 3 United Co-operatives, Mike Greenacre, United Against Cancer
20050517 17/05/2005 NEWS ROUND UP: United's travel deal: Tsunami aid tops £1m Co-op News 3 Tony Iredale Travel (West Yorkshire), Tsunami Disaster Appeal
20050517 17/05/2005 Midlands Co-op to sell dairy business Co-op News 5 Midlands Co-op, Willie Tucker, Dairy Crest
20050517 17/05/2005 29 Co-op MPs in new Parliament Co-op News 6 Co-op MPs (2005 General Election)
20050517 17/05/2005 Taking a step forward Co-op News 6 Shoefayre
20050517 17/05/2005 NEWS ROUND UP: New Travelcare base: Death of former mayor: Reaching out Co-op News 6 Mary Walker OBE, West Midlands Co-op (regional meetings), Travelcare (Stockport)
20050517 17/05/2005 Co-op products recalled after cancer scare Co-op News 8 Food Standards Agency (FSA), Para Red (dye), Co-op food stores, Bart Spices
20050517 17/05/2005 Charity bank strong after 21 years Co-op News 8 Unity Trust Bank, Dave Prentis
20050517 17/05/2005 President calls for global co-operation to tackle poverty Co-op News 11 International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), Co-operative Congress (2005), Gordon Brown, Iain MacDonald, global co-operation, World Trade Organisation
20050517 17/05/2005 Congress 2005: I belong to Glasgow Dave Bowman & Anthony Murray 12 Willie Tucker, Iain MacDonald, Mark Craig, Andy Love MP, Richard Samson, Jim Dobbin MP
20050517 17/05/2005 Corporate governance - so who needs it? Nick Eyre 15 Co-operative Congress (2005), Co-ops UK Code of Best Practice for Co-operative Societies, Corporate Governance Review
20050517 17/05/2005 An effective civil society must be the priority for Labour in its third term Paul Gosling 16 civil society, Public Private Partnerships, General Election (May 2005), Regeneration
20050517 17/05/2005 How the Co-op shaped my life Lord Graham of Edmonton 18 Enfield Highway Co-operative Society, British Federation of Young Co-operators, Co-op College, Independent Co-operative Comission, Co-op Party, Lord Graham's autobiography, Newcastle Co-operative Society, Edmonton, Stanford Hall
20050517 17/05/2005 Making furniture green really works Kevin McGrother 20 All Saints Action Network (ASAN), Green-Works, John Mason, Colin Crooks, furniture
20050517 17/05/2005 Plymouth Co-op gives a local hand Co-op News 20 Tamar View Community Complex, Plymouth and South West Co-operative Society
20050517 17/05/2005 Share issue for ethical bank Co-op News 20 Triodos Bank, Triodos Renewables share issue